Nibble ITSF Introducing High-Yield Debt Investments


Nibble ITSF introducing a revolutionary Legal Strategy for private investors to invest in debts. Debt Investments are not reserved for banks and financial institutions anymore!

Nibble is expanding its suite of investment opportunities for private investors and granting access to high-yield debt investment portfolios covered with 8% guaranteed returns.

The new debt investment strategy offered by Nibble is designed to deliver to private investors appropriate assets to diversify their investment portfolio and earn lucrative returns. This cutting-edge investment proposal is called Legal Strategy. It provides investors with a unique opportunity to invest in the debt market without the need for intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions. With this new feature, Nibble investors will be able to invest in secure debt portfolios and earn a guaranteed passive income on their investments.

Nibble ITSF platform is known for its user-friendly interface, automated investment strategies, and high returns, making it a popular choice among experienced and beginning investors. With the launch of the debt investment portfolios, Nibble continues to establish itself as a profitable peer-to-peer investment platform, offering investors access to portfolios of regulated partner companies.

”We believe debt investing is a smart strategy to diversify any investment portfolio. Legal Strategy will be a game-changer for our investors, providing them with a reliable and stable source of passive income in the highly volatile world of crowdlending. We look forward to seeing the positive impact that debt investing will have on our investors’ assets.” – said the Nibble ITSF team

About New Legal Strategy

legal strategy

Legal Strategy is designed for investing in portfolios consisting of consumer loans classified as B, CC, and C, which are in the process of pre-trial and judicial recovery.

Since these loans have overdue debts and fines, the yield of this strategy reaches up to 14.5% per annum.

All assets are covered with a minimum of 8% Deposit back guarantee.

The litigation and recovery process takes an extended period, so the minimum investment period is from 6 to 12 months. 

Risks & Guarantees:
*Including the risk of non-repayment of the loan/default of the entire loan amount

  • The strategy comes with the Deposit back guarantee – this is the obligation of the collection agency to return the full investment amount at the end of the investment period and ensure a minimum yield of 8% per annum.
  • Due to investment into a portfolio consisting of a large number of loans, the risk of not receiving income from several contracts is reduced as they are covered by other loans.
  • Daily interest accrual at 8% per annum, payouts every 90 days according to the received yield up to 14.5% per annum.
  • During the fundraising process for a portfolio purchase, we accrue income at 8% per annum. This is your bonus yield to the main one which goes up to 14.5%. The maximum term for fundraising to purchase a portfolio is 30 days.

Debt Investments market – how it works?

Any financial company specializing in lending inevitably faces loans that are not repaid within the terms specified in the contract. Many companies sell such loans in large portfolios at auctions with an 85% discount, to quickly return a part of the money to the business.

Since 2019, auction platforms specializing in the sales of debt portfolios, such as Debex and NLPBroker, have begun actively appearing on the European market, which demonstrates the growth of the market. Also, there are many other collection agencies on the market specializing in debt recovery.

For investment portfolios offered through the Nibble platform within Legal Strategy, collection, and litigation management are performed by BOOSTR. Boostr is a company that buys overdue loans from banks and MFOs at auctions, with a discount of 85%, and automates the process of extrajudicial and legal recovery. Thanks to the deep experience and technologies developed by Boostr, it is possible to achieve a high percentage of capital return. The company draws on more than 5 years of successful experience in the area of debt collection.

  • Boostr buys overdue loans from banks and MFOs at auctions, with a discount of 85%.
  • The agency contacts the borrower and tries to agree on the return of the debt extrajudicially.
  • If it is not possible to find a solution out of court, then Boostr initiates an automated process of recovering debt by initiating legal proceedings to obtain a court decision on the debt collection from the debtor.
  • After the issue of a judicial order, debt, interest, and fines are collected through the bailiff services and banks.

How to invest in Nibble?

The process of investing in Legal Strategy is fully automated. Go through a simple registration and immediate verification procedure. Choose the Legal Strategy and a portfolio to invest in according to portfolio preferences. Top up an investment portfolio with any amount from €50 up to €10,000 monthly. Nibble does not charge any commission for financial transactions.

Daily interest

While the portfolio is in the fundraising process, an interest of 8% per annum is accrued daily. After the end of the fundraising process, investors continue receiving daily interest at a rate of 8% per annum and every 90 days, Nibble automatically calculates the actual yield of portfolios and grants the difference between the guaranteed rate of 8% and the actual rate of up to 14.5% to the investors’ accounts. Thus, every 90 days you receive an income ranging between 8% and 14.5% in your Nibble account.

Example: By investing 1000 euros for 12 months, at the end of the term investors get back the entire capital of 1000 euros and receive an income between 80 and 145 euros, which will be added straight to their Nibble account.


Investors can sign up for Nibble today and start investing in loans that match their investment goals and risk appetite. The platform uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data, all transactions are recorded on a secure ledger. With no fees, a faster investment process, and automated control over investments, is the future of peer-to-peer lending. Nibble is committed to ensuring the security and privacy of its investors.

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